“While Microsoft doesn't yet have any announced plans for the facial-mapping technology to extend into more game-like experiences, it seems like a replica Omega 1160.75 Ladie's watch no-brainer.Adding the ability to transmit real facial expressions in games like the upcoming avatar-based Full House Poker or even in triple-A titles, could add a new, interesting facet to multiplayer gaming.”Microsoft has a lot they want to talk about at this Consumer Electronics Show: Their big Kinect sales numbers, the future of that tech, their new phone. But they also have a few things they're not keen to discuss.
The makers of computer and cell phone operating systems and the Xbox 360 likes to push their platforms by experimenting with new ideas, but those concepts don't always do well. During our talk with the company at CES we pressed them on replica Omega 1277.10 Ladie's watch three of those ideas that seem dead or dying: Their canned game-show-on-a-console 1 Vs. 100 video game, the oddly quiet Xbox 360's virtual game room and Bill Gates' own push for the Xbox 360 to double as a cable box.1 Vs. 100When it hit late in 2009, the idea of bringing the popular mob trivia game to the Xbox 360 was an interesting idea.
Microsoft planned to host a number of virtual game shows that featured real gamers represented by their avatars as the contestants and audience. And the show seemed to be well-received, until it was canned halfway through 2010.Xbox spokesman David Dennis tells us that while Microsoft gave up on 1 Vs. 100, they haven't replica Omega 1458.75 Ladie's watch given up on the notion of producing future games like it.”This was a first step in looking at the one versus many experiences,” he said. “It was about building a platform or infrastructure for testing that idea. “Full House Poker, which is one versus 30, is using that same technology.”We are looking at other games,” he added. “Games like 1 Vs. 100 isn't something we would ever rule out.